About the Journal
The Revista Médica Herediana (RMH) is a quarterly peer-reviewed and open access scientific publication, whose objective is the dissemination of original and unpublished works that contribute to the knowledge of biomedical sciences, especially clinical medicine, health Public and medical education, carried out at the national and international level. Publish articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
The RMH was created in 1990 thanks to the initiative of a group of professors from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia. The magazine was born with the “purpose of having an organ that serves to publicize the scientific teaching and service work, related to the field of health, in its social biomedical aspect, produced by our faculty and also that of other faculties of Medicine from the country and abroad”, as indicated by Dr. César Torres Zamudio, Dean of the Alberto Hurtado Faculty of Medicine, in the editorial of the first issue.
From its creation until 2004, RMH was a printed journal and was distributed by subscription; From now on, it is also published in electronic format, and became an open access publication, accepting the principles of the open access movement to scientific information and adhering to the SciELO Peru project. Since 2019 it has only been published in digital format.
Before submitting your manuscript, carefully review our Author Guidelines, verify compliance, and submit through our manuscript submission platform.
Inquiries: famed.revista.medica@oficinas-upch.pe
The Revista Médica Herediana (RMH) accepts and adheres in its editorial policy to the guidelines and recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), of the Equator Network, of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), from the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), addressed to authors, editors and people involved in peer review, to guarantee the quality of scientific publications, their transparency, integrity and compliance with the ethical principles that govern biomedical research.
The RMH adheres to the recommendations of the ICMJE Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors on the criteria for granting authorship. Authors are responsible for identifying who meets these criteria and should ideally do so when planning the work. Greater detail in The author and the authorship contribution specified by the RMH.
The Revista Médica Herediana does not accept the inclusion or withdrawal of authors after the editorial process of the manuscripts has begun. Likewise, it does not accept the modification of institutional affiliation or degrees or titles.
Ethics in research and publication
In compliance with international and national ethical standards that regulate academic production in the field of health sciences, Revista Médica Herediana adheres to its ethical publication policies and instructions for authors the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Council of Sciencie Editors (CSE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), addressed to authors, editors and people involved in peer review, with the aim of creating, evaluate and disseminate research articles that become reliable and high-impact sources of information within the framework of the Open Access movement.
The RMH ensures that manuscripts approved for publication do not engage in scientific misconduct or actions that contravene scientific integrity, whether during the development of the research project, the execution of the research procedure, the review by peers, subsequent corrections of the manuscript or any other research process. Before submitting your contribution, please carefully review our Ethics Policies.
Open access policy
The Revista Médica Herediana provides free access to its content, based on the principle that by “removing barriers to access to this literature will accelerate research, enrich education, share learning with and among all, make this literature as useful as it can be.” possible” and helps a greater process of global knowledge exchange.
The RMH publishes all its articles under the open access model, based on the principles and recommendations of the Budapest Declaration (2002), Open Access Initiative (BOAI) for peer-reviewed journals.
The RMH does not charge authors for submitting their articles to the editorial process or for the publication of their accepted articles. The costs of layout, obtaining the DOI, digital preservation, dissemination and free distribution of the published content are assumed by the publisher of the journal (Alberto Hurtado Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia).
The opinions expressed by the authors are their exclusive responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee or the Board of Editors of the Revista Médica Herediana.
The mention of the commercial name of certain products does not imply that the Revista Médica Herediana approves, recommends, endorses or advertises them as better than other similar agents not mentioned.
The Revista Médica Herediana is sponsored and financed solely by the Alberto Hurtado Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Advertising Policy
The Revista Médica Herediana does not have commercial advertising on its portal or in the magazine's articles. The only announcements issued are academic, scientific and research calls from the magazine or the university. Likewise, it does not allow the mention of commercial names of pharmaceutical products or medical-surgical material, and the authors must use the generic names of medications or generic descriptions of the material used.
Direct marketing (direct marketing)
The promotion of the Revista Médica Herediana, including the call for manuscript contributions, is carried out through the social networks of the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Every time a new issue is published, readers are notified using the University's social networks and by email messages to the authors.