Manuscript evaluation
All manuscripts submitted to RMH are subjected to originality verification of their content using Turnitin software, accepting a maximum of 15% similarity with respect to sources that have been correctly cited and referenced, excluding bibliographic references. If the manuscript is found to exceed this percentage, it shall be returned to the authors for rewriting or proper citation. The manuscript will be rejected if plagiarism or any other lack of scientific integrity: scientific misconduct and unethical practices in research, is identified; in addition, the Associated Editors will communicate the misconduct to the authors and their institutions of affiliation. If the case arises, the retraction of articles is contemplated.
All manuscripts are first reviewed by the editorial board, which has the faculty to reject them after this first evaluation. All manuscripts under the form "Original article" (including systematic reviews and meta-analysis), "Brief reports", "Review Articles" and "Cases reports" submitted to of the journal, receive, without exception, a peer review treatment. Manuscripts written under another editorial form accepted by the journal do not receive this review; however, the council of science editors will make its own judgment on the relevance or observations they may deserve. In both cases, the journal will issue its verdict within a period of no more than three months through the authors designated for correspondence.
RMH adopt peer review under the form: "double-blind peer review", in which the authors do not know the name of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the name of the authors. The manuscript can be approved, approved with modifications or rejected.
If the manuscript is accepted, it will be included in the next issue of the journal, respecting the order of arrival of the manuscripts or according to the determined subject matter.