Collaborative Work in the management of congenital facial malformations.


  • Felipe Santiago Laquihuanaco Loza Professional School of Dentistry. National University of San Antonio Abad del Cusco. Cusco, Perú.
  • Gina Maritza Laquihuanaco Coarita Faculty of Health Sciences, Graduate School. San Juan Bautista Private University. Lima, Perú. Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia. Lima, Perú.



Congenital malformations, collaborative work, work team


The health services system in Peru is fragmented and segmented, in this new century a coordinated and cooperative attitude is required among health professionals. Lip alveolus-palatine malformations are the most frequent congenital anomalies on the bucomaxillofacial region, affecting the growth and development of orofacial structures of two-thirds of the face, altering innate oral reflexes such as biting, sucking, swallowing and the capacity on the cavity buccal to allow pressure build-up. Adequate performance in health service is achieved with a shared vision and posture among the members of the work team, added to effective management, for which interprofessional collaborative practice requires paradigm changes, in which evidence is demonstrated substantial and irrefutable of a team culture and a reliable interdisciplinary environment, recognizing shared responsibility for results.


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How to Cite

Laquihuanaco Loza FS, Laquihuanaco Coarita GM. Collaborative Work in the management of congenital facial malformations. Rev Estomatol Herediana [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];32(2):161-6. Available from:




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