Lesions in dental tissues and oral health disorders in the occupational medical examination of workers in the construction sector in Lima, Peru
occupational dentistry, occupational medicine, occupational exposure, occupational health, dental caries, dental trauma.Abstract
Objective: To describe the lesions in dental tissues and oral health disorders found during the occupational medical examination of workers in the construction sector in Lima, Peru. Material and methods: A cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out on 150 workers in the construction sector, selected by simple random sampling. A stomatological evaluation was carried out by direct observation, and a dental-occupational evaluation instrument was used with indexes for dental caries, caries severity and dental trauma, and indicators of clinical consequences of untreated caries (pulp pathology) and non-carious lesions. Results: The caries experience of operators without higher education (CPOD = 14.99) and with higher education (CPOD = 13.06) was higher than that of supervisors (CPOD = 8.23) and administrative workers (CPOD = 5.08). The operators without higher education (SiC = 18.04) and with higher education (SiC = 17.17) presented worse caries significance indicators compared to supervisors (SiC = 13.67) and administrative workers (SiC = 8.25). In addition, operators without higher education had a higher burden of clinical consequences of untreated caries (PUFA = 2.35; severity = 9.2%) compared to operators with higher education (PUFA = 1.91; severity = 8.4%), supervisors (PUFA = 0.53; severity = 2.1%) and administrators (PUFA = 0.46; severity = 1.8%), as well as a higher frequency of non-carious lesions (47.3%) and dental trauma (21.3%). Conclusions: Dental health, its clinical consequences, and the structure of the dental tissues of the operative workers of a construction company are more affected compared to the other labor groups of the same company.
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