Orofacial clinical-radiological features of McCune-Albright syndrome in an adult: a case report


  • Reynier Ramírez Suarez Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey, Cuba. Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey, Cuba
  • Oscar Rivero Pérez   Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey, Cuba. Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey, Cuba
  • Yanara Reyna Morales Paz  Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Medicina. Camagüey, Cuba




McCune-Albright syndrome, fibrous dysplasia, café-au-lait spots


Fibrous dysplasia is a benign and progressive bone disease of genetic basis that can affect one or several bones. Its high incidence in the pediatric age served as a basis for it to be previously considered exclusive to this stage; however, there are reports to date that show its development and later growth in the second decade of life. When associated with endocrine imbalances and café-au-lait spots, it is part of the McCune-Albright syndrome. The present case report shows the clinical and radiologic features of the oral-facial region of an adult patient with McCune-Albright syndrome. Lesions in the jaws affect the morphology and cause dysfunction. At the dental level, the changes produced result in malocclusion and structural defects. Radiological studies showed changes with mixed density and ground glass pattern.


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Author Biographies

Reynier Ramírez Suarez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey, Cuba. Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey, Cuba



Oscar Rivero Pérez  , Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Estomatología. Camagüey, Cuba. Hospital Provincial Clínico Quirúrgico Docente Manuel Ascunce Domenech. Camagüey, Cuba




Yanara Reyna Morales Paz , Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Camagüey, Facultad de Medicina. Camagüey, Cuba




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How to Cite

Ramírez Suarez R, RiveroPérez O, MoralesPaz YR. Orofacial clinical-radiological features of McCune-Albright syndrome in an adult: a case report. Rev Estomatol Herediana [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];34(1):91-6. Available from:

