Alterations of the tonal height and vocal intensity in children from 4 to 6 years old of the public institutions of initial education in Magdalena del Mar district in 2015


  • Maria Esperanza Márquez Flores
  • Hanna Fátima Del Solansh Saldaña Tap
  • Stefani Luisa Vicente Bustillos
  • Paul Rubén Alfaro Fernández
  • Milagros Rojas Llerena



Over time, the voice alterations have increased their presence significantly, affecting frequently the communication and personal development of the child population. For this reason is important to generate a culture of prevention. Objective: To determinate the frequency of the alterations of the tonal height and vocal intensity in children from 4 to 6 years old of the public Institutions of Initial Education in Magdalena del Mar district in 2015. Material and Methods: Descriptive study of transverse type. Two instruments were used for data collection: A record collection sheet that was answered by parents about the gender, age and the actual state of the voice of their child. Also a software of acoustic analysis PRAAT (Version 5.4.06) which was used to measure the tonal height and vocal intensity. It allowed to determinate if the voice was suitable or presented any alteration when the results obtained were compared with the bibliographitly parameters established. Results: A total sample of 128 children was collected 117 data, the 22.22% of this population presented both the tonal height and the vocal intensity altered, where 65.38% was of female gender. Also children of 4 and 6 years old presented their pitch altered this represents a 34.29% of their population proportionately. Conclusions: The 55.56% of the sample presented an alteration of the level of the vocal intensity which indicated a vocal inappropriate use.


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How to Cite

Márquez Flores, M. . E., Saldaña Tap, H. F. D. S., Vicente Bustillos, S. L., Alfaro Fernández, P. R., & Rojas Llerena, M. (2020). Alterations of the tonal height and vocal intensity in children from 4 to 6 years old of the public institutions of initial education in Magdalena del Mar district in 2015. Revista Herediana De Rehabilitación, 3(1), 13–19.