Fragility and risk of falls in low-income elderly adults, Lima 2021
Mobility limitation, walking speed, poverty, COVID-19Abstract
Fragility is the decrease in physiological reserves, generates a state of exacerbated vulnerability and is closely related to harmful situations such as institutionalization, disabilities and falls; It is also an important predictor of mortality. Objective: To determine the relationship between frailty and risk of falls in the elderly of the solidarity dining room of the Basilica of San Francisco, Lima 2021. Material and Methods: Non-experimental cross-sectional descriptive study; It was carried out during the COVID 19 pandemic. Accessible population of 102 older adults between men and women who are homeless and who lost their jobs due to staff cuts in times of pandemic. People of both sexes aged 60 or over who signed the informed consent were included. People with disabilities that alter gait and respiratory infection less than three months (COVID 19) were excluded. Non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. The Fried phenotype, the Body Mass Index and the modified Tinetti scale were used. The descriptive results were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies and presented in tables; The chi-square test was used with a significance of 5% for the analytical results, which were presented in contingency tables. The data collected was processed in the statistical software SPSS 25. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Results: Unintentional weight loss was the most frequent frailty criterion in the study population; 31% reported being unemployed due to the pandemic; (p=0.004) significantly relates age with frailty. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between frailty criteria and the risk of falls, there is a significant relationship between frailty and age, but not between frailty and sex.
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