Ergonomic assessment in the use of vending machines and its importance in the design


  • Camila Casanova Vise Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Facultad de Diseño. Lima, Perú.
  • Angela López Molina Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Facultad de Diseño. Lima, Perú
  • Alejandra de las Casas Grande Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Facultad de Diseño. Lima, Perú
  • Carlos Manuel Escobar Galindo Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Facultad de Diseño. Lima, Perú



design, ergonomics, anthropometry, vending machine, human factors


Food vending machines require a high level of interaction with users; however, their design can make them difficult to operate, making the task more complex. This interaction can even affect the physical health and safety of users, especially in Peru, where the population has one of the smallest sizes in Latin America. Objective: To analyze the interaction of users with a vending machine from the point of view of anthropometry and ergonomics in order to provide recommendations and design proposals to guide future corrective actions. Methodology and method: The methodology consisted of applying comfort and discomfort surveys to users and performing a postural analysis based on extreme percentile mannequins to finally develop a redesign proposal. Results: The results point to a high level of discomfort, insecurity, and unsatisfactory experience, identifying that picking up the product is the most complex and time-consuming activity and that it may cause the risk of low back pain. Conclusion: A virtual prototype was designed as an alternative to reduce the levels of discomfort and improve the interaction with the machine.


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How to Cite

Casanova Vise, C., López Molina, A., de las Casas Grande, A., & Escobar Galindo, C. M. (2023). Ergonomic assessment in the use of vending machines and its importance in the design. Revista Herediana De Rehabilitación, 6(1), 3–11.