Este jueves 31 de octubre
Publishing ethics
The following actions are considered as bad, unethical and, therefore, undesirable practices:
- Sending the same manuscript to more than one scientific journal.
- Not citing the sources consulted during the conduction and development of the research process, and the preparation of the manuscript.
- Modifying or manufacturing the data used and / or obtained in an investigation.
- The inclusion as authors of people who do not meet the international criteria for authorship.
- The exclusion of authors who meet the international criteria for authorship.
All authors are obliged to make retractions or corrections of errors in their published articles, if necessary.
In case the Editorial Committee of the journal finds any misconduct in the aforementioned topics, the received manuscript will be rejected, or a published article will be retracted.
The journal fully adheres to the principles and procedures dictated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (
Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors: