Este jueves 31 de octubre
Peer Review Process
The manuscripts received for publication by the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación are subject to a peer review process. The manuscript is sent to two national or foreign reviewers with credential similar or eventually superior to those of the researchers, who will proceed, within an adequate period of time, to make the corrections, observations and/or suggestions that they consider pertinent before publication; they may also make a duly argued recommendation rejecting the publication. In either case, the manuscript will then be returned to the authors to make the requested corrections and/or respond to the observations made by the reviewers. In the case of reviewers issuing different or opposing opinions, the manuscript will be send to a third reviewer.
After the peer review process is over, the final version of the manuscript is reviewed again before going to the layout. The diagrammed version, the one to be published, will be sent to the authors for their reading and approval.