Este jueves 31 de octubre
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in Microsoft Word,
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
The Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación (RHR) is published twice a year., founded in 1938, currently sponsored by the Faculty of Medicine Alberto Hurtado from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Perú. The RHR publishes articles related to the area of Physical Rehabilitation and Public Health.
Manuscripts submitted for publication in the RHR must not have been published or submitted for publication partial or complete in another journal, in printed or electronic (Internet) format. The RHR reserves all legal rights regarding reproduction of its content.
The file of your manuscript should be sent to:
Manuscripts submitted for publication are subject to a peer review process. The original submission is sent to two reviewers (national or foreign) with expertise on the subject. They are asked to carefully examine the material, make relevant observations and comments, and suggest pertinent corrections in a period no longer than three weeks. The manuscript is then returned to the author(s) to respond to the reviewers’ comments and make the necessary changes. In the case of conflicting opinions by the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer.
After the content review process, the manuscript is subjected to a revision of stylistic and grammar writing aspects before being finally sent to the layout. Prior to its publication, the diagrammed version is sent to the author(s) for corrections and/or approval.
The Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación follows the guidelines of the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" elaborated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Vancouver Group)
The Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación supports the policies for registries of clinical trials from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration, open access and international dissemination of information from clinical studies. Consequently, as of July 2007, it started to receive for publication, clinical trials included in and identified by a number from one of the Clinical Trial Registries validated by the above mentioned criteria (WHO and ICMJE).
The information and instructions for the authors detailing the norms of format and content of the articles to be submitted to the RNP, can be obtained from the journal’s website : .
The opinions expressed by the authors are of their own and exclusive responsibility and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editorial Committee of the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación. It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain publication rights of figures and other materials published in different sources.
Mention of trade name products does not imply that the RHR endorses, recommends or prefers them instead of similar ones that are not mentioned.
The file of your manuscript should be sent to:
Articles submitted to the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación must be original and unpublished, and deal with topics related to the area of Physical Rehabilitation and Public Health,.
The article and an accompanying letter requesting its evaluation for publication should be submitted to the Chief Editors of the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación . The letter, signed by one of the authors, should include the title and type of the article, and the authors' full name, degrees and work or academic positions. A statement, signed by all the authors in an established format must be enclosed, declaring that the article presented is of their intellectual property, that it has not been published or submitted for evaluation in another journal. In addition, it will document the copyright transfer to the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación once the article has been accepted for publication.
An original printed version of the article must be sent together with the presenting letter, and an electronic version should be sent via e-mail in the case of Peruvian authors. Foreign authors should submit a PDF and an electronic version to the e-mail of the Editor-in-chief :
The manuscript should belong to one of the following categories or sections:
- Original research
- Review article
- Brief communication of Original research
- Case Report
- Letter to the Editor
- Book Reviews
- Archive Articles
The journal’s Editorial Board reserves the right to request contributions for the following sections: Editorial, Review Articles, Obituary and Book Reviews. It could also select appropriate material for the Archive Articles.
Preparation of manuscripts
The article should be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English, on a single side of bond quality paper pages of ISO A4 size (212 × 297 mm), in Times New Roman font, size 12, at double space and with 25 mm margins.
In the manuscripts written in Spanish, the decimals should be separated from integers using decimal comma, except in the summary where a decimal point should be used. Likewise, thousands and millions should be separated by a single space, except in the case of years.
Each section of the article should begin on a new page, sequentially numbered. In the case of textual quotes, the corresponding paragraph should be highlighted by placing them within quotation marks or by using italics. Tables, graphs and figures with their corresponding title and legend must be placed at the end of the article on separate pages; they should not be inserted in the text and the author or authors should indicate its location.
Title Page
The title page should contain: Title of the article in the original language and in English, full first and last name of the author or authors, the institution(s) to which they are affiliated and where the study was conducted, and name, postal and electronic address of the corresponding author.
The name(s) of the author(s) should be separated from each other by a comma and in the following order: First name, initial of the second name and last name, followed by an Arabic superscript number representing the author’s title and institutional affiliation, and followed by a small letter, also in superscript, representing his/her highest academic degree. If the author wishes to include his maternal name, he/she can add separated by a hyphen.
In a separate paragraph, and preceded by the corresponding superscript number or letter, the title or academic degree and the name of the institution or institutions to which the author is affiliated, must be placed. For example:
Gladys Pasco 1,a, Juana Arias Ramirez 2
1Servicio de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Yrigoyen. Lima, Perú.
2 Servicio de Patología del Desarrollo, Programa de Rehabilitación Pediátrica, Dpto. de Medicina Física y Rehabilitación, Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Yrigoyen. Lima, Perú.
a Médico Asistente;
For the purpose of correspondence, place the responsible author's name, address, zip code and e-mail address. A phone number can also be included.
Financial Support Statement and Conflicts of Interest page
On this page the funding source(s) and potential conflicts of interest of the author(s) must be placed. The financial statement must include every funding source and type of support, be that in the form of grant, equipment donations, provision of medications or any other type.
In the Conflict of Interest statement the author(s), must point out any possible conflict of interest whether they are economic, institutional, employment-related or personal.
Original Research:
It should be presented maintaining the following order:
- Title page
- Financial Statement and Conflicts of Interest page,
- Resumen (in the original language: Spanish or Portuguese)
- Summary (in English)
- Introduction
- Material and Methods
- Results
- Discussion (whose final paragraph must start with "In conclusion" or a similar text
- References
- Tables, graphs and figures.
The total length of the manuscript including bibliographic references should not exceed 20 pages typed on a single side.
The Resumen and Summary will be presented on separate pages with a maximum of 250 words. It should be written in a single paragraph and include the following subtitles: Background (optional), Objectives, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (optional) and Conclusions. At the end, 3-6 keywords should be included, to help in the classification of the article, placing the source in parentheses (MeSH, NLM).
The objective of the study should be placed at the end of the introduction, and be clear and concise.
References should be numbered in parentheses in the order of their appearance in the article, and listed in that order at the end of the article; their maximum number is 40.
A maximum of eight tables, graphs or figures are accepted.
Review Article
It should be presented maintaining the following order:
- Title page
- Financial Statement and Conflicts of Interest page
- Resumen (in the original language: Spanish or Portuguese)
- Summary (in English)
- Content
- Conclusions
- References
- Tables, graphs and figures
The total length of the manuscript, including references, should not exceed 30 pages typed on a single side.
The Resumen and Summary will be presented on separate pages, with a maximum of 250 words, written in a single paragraph. At the end, 3-6 keywords should be included, placing the source in parentheses (MeSH, NLM).
The aim of the study should be placed at the end of the introduction, in past tense, and be clear and concise.
References should be numbered in parentheses in the order of their appearance in the article, and listed in that order at the end of the article.
A maximum of eight tables, graphs and figures are accepted; the maximum number of references is 50.
Brief Original Research:
It should be presented maintaining the following order:
- Title page
- Financial Statement and Conflicts of Interest page
- Resumen (in the original language: Spanish or Portuguese)
- Summary (in English)
- Introduction
- Material and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- References
- Tables, graphs and figures
The total length of the manuscript, including references, should not exceed 10 pages typed on a single side.
The Resumen and Summary will be presented on separate pages, with a maximum of 200 words. It should be written in a single paragraph and include the following subtitles: Objective, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusions. Before Objectives, a Background subsection can be included. At the end, 3-6 keywords should be included, placing the source in parentheses (MeSH, NLM).
The objective of the study should be placed at the end of the introduction, and be clear and concise. The discussion should end with a paragraph that summarizes the findings of the study.
References should be numbered in parentheses in their order of appearance in the article, and listed in that order at the end of the article.
A maximum of four tables, graphs and figures are accepted; the maximum number of references is 20.
Case Report:
It should be presented maintaining the following order:
- Title page
- Financial Statement and Conflicts of Interest page,
- Resumen (in the original language: Spanish or Portuguese)
- Summary (in English)
- Introduction
- Case report
- Discussion
- References
- Tables, graphs and figures
The total length of the manuscript, including references, should not exceed 10 pages, typed on a single side.
The Resumen and Summary will be presented on separate pages, with a maximum of 200 words. It should be written in a single paragraph and include the following subtitles: Objective, material and methods, results and conclusions. At the end, 3-6 keywords should be included, placing the source in parentheses (MeSH, NLM).
References should be numbered in parentheses in their order of appearance in the article, and listed in that order at the end of the same.
A maximum of four tables, graphs and figures are accepted; the maximum number of references is 20.
Letters to the Editor:
Should be presented maintaining the following order:
- Letter
- References
There may be a total of five authors. The total length of the document, including references, should not exceed two pages, typed on a single side. A maximum of two tables, graphs and figures are accepted. References should be numbered in parentheses in the order of appearance in the article and listed in that order at the end of the article. The maximum number of references is 6.
The keywords should be descriptors in Health Sciences, obtained from MeSH de PubMed
Tables should have a brief and clear title and be numbered in the order indicated in the text, for example Table 1. The title of the table should be typed in Times New Roman size 12. The legend at the bottom must be concise and clear, with explanation of abbreviations or acronyms if needed.
No vertical lines should be used in tables, only three horizontal lines: one under the title, one below the column headings, and the third at the end of the table. The graphs and tables should not have a frame.
Figures and photos should be submitted in JPG, GIF or TIF. If a scanner is used, a minimum print resolution of 300 dpi is required; otherwise, the photos or original figures must be attached.
The journal will publish black and white iconography; if the authors prefer full color iconography; a request for budget should be attached.
References should be placed consecutively, in the order of their appearance in the text, using Arabic numbers in parentheses the same size as the text; example: (1) or (2,5), without hyperlinks, and should be included in the corresponding list with complete bibliographic information at the end of the manuscript. References will be written in accordance with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of the International Committee of Journals Medical Editors, and following the norms of the Vancouver style. Examples on how to write the references can be obtained by logging on to:
The references, preceded by a space, are placed before a period, comma or another punctuation mark.
In the reference list, only those cited in the text of the article should be included.
Articles published in journals:
Author's and/or coauthors’ last name followed by initials of names, without space separations. Up to six authors, separated by commas can be cited; if there are more than six, the first three will be cited and et al will be added; a period is placed only at the end of the last author’s name. Then come the article title (in the original language), period, name of the journal, period, year of publication, semicolon, volume number, issue number in parentheses, colon and page numbers:
Pasco G, Arias J.Bloqueo paraespinal lumbar en pacientes con sindrome postlaminectomia. Rev Hered Rehab. 2019; 2(2):36-39. DOI:
As an option, in journals with consecutive page numbering, the volume number can be omitted:
Pasco G, Arias J.Bloqueo paraespinal lumbar en pacientes con sindrome postlaminectomia. Rev Hered Rehab. 2019; 2:36-39. DOI:
Author and co-authors in a way similar to that of articles, colon, book title, city where published, colon, name of Publisher, semicolon, year of publication, colon, pp, colon and numbers of the pages cited:
Torres L. Medicina del dolor. Barcelona: Masson SA; 2007. p. 299-308.
Chapters of books, brochures and similar documents:
Author and co-authors in a way similar to that of articles published in journals. Up to six authors, names separated by commas, can be cited; if there are more than six, the first three will be cited and et al will be added. Followed by Chapter title in the original language, period; then, the preposition "In", colon, name(s) of Editor(s), book title, period, city where published, name of the Publisher, semicolon, year of publication, period, pp and the numbers of the pages cited:
Del Pozo C. Dolor por cirugía fallida de la espalda. En: Torres L. Medicina del dolor. Barcelona: Masson SA; 2007. p. 299-308.
Author(s), the same as in articles. Title of the work, period; then, specify the degree obtained, period. City and country where the thesis was defended, separated by a comma, colon, the full name of the University of origin, comma, year, period followed by number of pages ending with pp and period:
Suguimoto SP: Prevalencia del consumo de tabaco en forma de cigarrillos en una población de médicos y sus actitudes frente al tabaquismo. Tesis de Bachiller. Lima, Perú. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, 2003. 55 pp.
Manuscript submissiom
The articles may be submitted to the Editor-in-chief and send to the Journal office address:
Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación.
Escuela de Tecnologia Médica, Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia.
Av. Honorio Delgado 430 - Urb. Ingeniería, San Martín de Porres, Lima, Peru or the file of your manuscript should be sent to:
Copyright Notice
All articles published in the Revista Herediana de Rehabilitación are under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 International license.
The authors retain the copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered with the Creative Commons License, which allows third parties to use what is published whenever they mention the authorship of the work, and to the first publication in this magazine.
Authors can make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version published in this journal, provided they clearly indicate that the work was published in this journal.
The authors can file in the repository of their institution:
The research work or thesis of degree from which the published article derives.
The pre-print version: the version prior to peer review.
The Post-print version: final version after peer review.
The definitive version or final version created by the publisher for publication.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.