Usefulness of assisted therapy with dogs in volition of children with cerebral palsy, at second grade of the Colegio la Alegría en el Señor, La Molina, september 2013. Pilot study


  • Rosario Katherine Flores Cortijo
  • Gina Cecilia Lino Salvador



Objective: To evaluate if the assisted therapy with dogs is useful in the volition of children with Cerebral Palsy at Second Grade of "La Alegría en el Señor" School. Material an Methods:  The current investigation has an analytic, quasi-experimental and no random design in order to assess the usefulness of assisted therapy with dogs (ATD) in volitional development of a group of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy (CP). We worked with a final group of 6 children diagnosed with PC, at Second Grade of "La Alegría en el Señor" School (LASS); each participant was given 12 sessions of occupational therapy using ATD as a therapeutic tool. We used the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire  (PVQ)  – Sheet C as evaluation  tool; this instrument was administered to each participant in three different moments (Session 1, 6 and 12). Results: The results from session 1 to 3 show a progressive increase in volitional expression degree, related to the dog's participation in therapy. Finally, the results indicate there is a relationship between variables and that is in favor of the hypothesis (ATD is useful in volitional development of children at Second Grade of LASS). The results prove that components of volition were positively impacted by the dog's presence in therapy; this is reflected by volition indicators which reached the Achievement level in 100% of children at the end of the study. Conclusions: The ATD is useful for volitional development of children with CP, at Second Grade of "La Alegría en el Señor" School.


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How to Cite

Flores Cortijo, R. K., & Lino Salvador, G. C. (2020). Usefulness of assisted therapy with dogs in volition of children with cerebral palsy, at second grade of the Colegio la Alegría en el Señor, La Molina, september 2013. Pilot study. Revista Herediana De Rehabilitación, 2(2), 60–65.